My Goals & Projects for 2019 - one month into the year

My Goals & Projects for 2019 - one month into the year

Back at the beginning of January I wrote a post and recorded a video looking at what my goals for 2019 were and the projects I would be doing in order to get there.

This is the blog post.

This is the video.

And because I’m easily distracted by the online noise and get lost going down the wrong track and because I wanted to create a record of how I’m getting on so I can look back (and hopefully see how far I’ve come) I decided to create another video one month into 2019 to see how I’ve been getting on.

My big overarching goal was to create an income from my online writing and creativity. I wanted to do this in a few ways:

1) by creating really good, to the best of my ability, writing and online content

2) by exploring new avenues (sharing my knowledge, email support, self-publishing to name but a few)

3) by treating my writing and creativity as a business (and not putting things off until I ‘feel like it’).

4) by NOT being a sleazy salesy ‘buy my stuff’ kind of person.

And in this video I show how I’ve got on during January.