Children's Books — Blog — Helen Redfern

Children's Books

Five Gorgeous Book Gifts for My Daughter

five book gifts for my daughter. book presents for girls. book gift guide

I seem to have a bit of a problem. I cannot stop buying books for my nine-year-old daughter. She adores books as much as me, if not more so, and she'll read anything: fiction, non-fiction, recipe books...

So I thought I'd share the books I've discovered for her lately. There are some real beauties out there. Some she has already thanks to a recent birthday, and some - shhh, don't tell her, will be in her Christmas stocking.

Incidentally I have five books listed here but I could've gone on indefinitely. So I've created a Pinterest board of book gift ideas for any member of the family. I'll keep adding to it every day as I hunt out more.




I say 'for children' but these first two are aimed at girls. However, that doesn't mean boys shouldn't read them.

Fantastically Great Women who Changed the World 

Beautifully illustrated and written in an easily understandable way (my daughter loves it and I found it great to read, too) this is a perfect introduction to just a few of the most incredible women who helped shaped the world we live in.

List of women featured: Jane Austen, Gertrude Ederle, Coco Chanel, Frida Kahlo, Marie Curie, Mary Anning, Mary Seacole, Amelia Earhart, Agent Fifi, Sacagawa, Emmeline Pankhurst, Rosa Parks, Anne Frank.

Fantastically great women who changed the world

Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls

I constantly tell my daughter she can do anything and be anyone so I loved the idea behind this book. Like the book above it introduces us to some remarkable women and their extraordinary lives, but this book includes 100 of them. From Ada Lovelace to Malala, Amelia Earhart to Michelle Obama. Described as being a "true fairy tale for heroines who definitely don't need rescuing".

Good night stories for rebel girls
good night stories for rebel girls


The Polar Bear Explorers' Club by Alex Bell

My daughter has already read this and thoroughly enjoyed it. It's about Stella Starflake Pearl and her three fellow explorers as they trek across the snowy Icelands and come face-to-face with frost fairies, snow queens, outlaw hideouts, unicorns, pygmy dinosaurs and carnivorous cabbages.

The Explorer by Katherine Rundell

Shortlisted for the Costa Chirldren's Book Award 2017 this is about a group of four children who find themselves in the jungle when their plane crashes.


Jolly Good Food: A Children's Cookbook Inspired by the Stories of Enid Blyton

Seriously, I don't know if this is a Christmas present for my daughter or myself. Written by Allegra McEvedy this has 42 recipes inspired by Enid Blyton's books.


five books for girls. beautiful gifts, christmas presents, stocking fillers, children's books, fiction, non-fiction, recipe book for children

My Daughter's Favourite Christmas Books

My Daughter's Favourite Christmas Books

One of our Christmas traditions, and possibly one of my favourite traditions, is when the elves deliver a book to my children sometime in the week running up to Christmas.

We've had some cracking books over the years. That's Not My Reindeer was probably one of the first they had - but my son is now fourteen and my daughter has recently turned nine so books with a few more words in are given. (I have to say, though, I'll always have a soft spot for those That's Not My...books for toddlers.) 

Two Books Highly Recommended by my (8-year-old) daughter

Two Books Highly Recommended by my (8-year-old) daughter

Walk into a book shop and you'll find an overwhelming amount of books available for children.  So if you're looking for books for a child's birthday or Christmas present this year then let my daughter recommend some books to help you in your decision making. As she is a keen reader and writer, I've set her a task to regulalrly read and review children's books for this blog.