Blog — Helen Redfern

The last day of August 2018

The last day of August 2018

Well, I've made it. Today is the last day of August. Tomorrow it will be September and I can breathe a sigh of relief. Oh the relief.

The countdown to September started last week when the night time temperatures dropped. This, in turn, dropped my shoulders down a notch because it meant the amount of flies hovering around substantially decreased. Good news especially as we're on the last fly swat and even that is beginning to look a little shredded…

Why I love creating micro-films for Instagram TV - plus my top tips

Why I love creating micro-films for Instagram TV - plus my top tips

Some months ago I wrote a blog post about why I loved creating mini-films for Instagram Stories.

This joy continued over the coming weeks and months and I've created a lot of mini-films set to music for Instagram. Each time I created one, however, I would have to chop it up into individual 15 second clips so they didn't get cut off in the Stories format.

Then Instagram TV launched last week. Or, IGTV. And I love it.

This is a post about why I love it and some of my top tips.

My summer holiday reading

My summer holiday reading

The school holidays are nearly upon us and I cannot tell you how much I'm looking forward to our family holiday.

I'm so excited about it I've already compiled and bought the books I'll be packing away in my suitcase. I've gone for paperbacks, for obvious reasons, with three being fiction and one non-fiction.

The chicks at 10 days old

The chicks at 10 days old

The chicks at ten days old. The first ten days of keeping chicks is quite straightforward. They're too small and too sleepy to do or want for much. It's basically check their food (they eat a lot of chick crumbs) and give them clean water (they will poop in the water they've no self-control). 

But now they're getting leggy. They want to play and flap about. They can jump and they're inquisitive.