The opposite end of childhood.

The opposite end of childhood.

I’ve been a mother now for fifteen years and a few months and a mother of two for nearly ten years.

Reading that sentence back is still incredible for me. There is so much focus and attention on the early years but it’s like once those tearful, toddler tantrums are done time speeds up. Their growth is lost in a sea of spellings, a clean P.E kit, a lost P.E kit, birthday parties, school terms, Christmases, summer holidays, trips for school shoes, uniforms. Then suddenly your children are having grown up conversations with you. Your youngest is correcting your grammar or telling you what the meaning of a word is. Your eldest is explaining something scientific that goes straight over your head. And it feels like its’s always been this way.

Yet fifteen years ago I thought time had stood still. I was there, in my lounge - I spent a lot of time in the lounge back then - feeding my son for, what felt like, the twentieth time that day, and I thought I was the worst mother in the world. Because I hated it….

PLANNING MY WRITING MONTH: How I use my Lemome notebook as a writer & blogger

PLANNING MY WRITING MONTH: How I use my Lemome notebook as a writer & blogger

I’ve tried so many notebook systems to get my writing and blogging organised and to increase my productivity and struggled each time.

Since September I've been using this system. This is so simple yet it has increased my productivity hugely over the last two months - despite having more projects on the go and a new puppy in the house!

In this video, I show you what my current monthly and weekly writing and blogging planner setup looks like and how I'm using my Lemome notebook to help organise my writing business and get more work done.

(The video is based on this post: How I’ve Organised My Writing Week so I’m no Longer all Over the Place.)

As I wrote about in this post: Why I’m Creating a YouTube Channel I’ve now joined the YouTube generation. Please come over and see me over there. I’d love it if you’d subscribe to my channel.


Lemome Bullet Journal: Grid

Staedtler Triplus Fineliner

Autumn Trees Washi Tape

Binder Clips (similar to)

Giant Paperclips (similar to)

Prompt Cards

(Affiliate links at no extra cost to yourself but helps me in the running of this blog.)


Running my own race and no-one else's

Running my own race and no-one else's

I was watching a YouTube video the other day. It was by a successful author entrepreneur and something she said really resonated with me.

(Now I’m paraphrasing here so bear with.)

When it comes to your own creative endeavours, run your own race. At your own speed. In your own way. If you look over and see another woman running faster so try and run like her: speed, gait, mannerisms - you are no longer running your race.

You’re running hers…

Why I'm creating a YouTube Channel

Why I'm creating a YouTube Channel

YouTube has been a platform I’ve wanted to do for ages. In fact, I’ve already got some videos uploaded on there. But I’ve never had the courage to really go for it. I love filming. I love the creativity of editing where you try and find the story amongst the hours of footage you’ve recorded. It is something that both intrigues me but also scares the hell out of me. The perfect combination.

This is a post about why I’m branching out to YouTube plus includes an introductory video!

Can you push through self-doubt? Two women who did just that.

Can you push through self-doubt? Two women who did just that.

When I wrote in my newsletter about being scared of pressing ‘go’ on my creative projects sending them live onto the internet I received messages from people who were on the verge of doing just that, or had done that too, and had come through the other side.

Here are two women’s stories of pushing through the fear and self-doubt and pursuing their creative dreams…