EVENT | Your Writing Notebook: A Masterclass about Journaling for Writers

A Masterclass teaching you how to take action from the scribbles, paragraphs and notes in your writing notebook and become more productive, focused and energised.

Date: 29th September 2021

Time: 7-8.30pm BST

Place: Online via Zoom

Price: £19

Where to get tickets? Below or here.

Are you wondering what direction to take with your creativity?

Are you struggling to define what you want to write about?

Do you often feel overwhelmed at all the things you could do but don’t know where to start?

Do you love being creative but have no idea how to turn it into a business?

Do you have a history littered with unfinished projects?

Do you often feel stuck, uninspired, unmotivated and anxious?

Then a writing journal may well be just the thing you need.

Writing in my journals has made the biggest impact on my writing, my creativity, my confidence, my productivity and turning all of that into a business.

I am indebted to them.

I feel that many people shy away from writing in a notebook because they are scared of messing it up and spoiling those crisp, clean pages. Or they think that what they have to say in there won’t amount to much. Or they create rules: they need one journal for writing about exercise, one for home life and one for writing life - for example. Or they think it has to look beautiful, curated and arty.

The truth is, none of that matters. What matters is extracting words from your head - whatever they’re about - and getting them down in your notebook.

My notebooks are external hard drives for my brain.

They’re where I store ideas, my thoughts on life events, my anxieties, the books I’ve read, quotes and so much more.

They’ve enabled me to:

  • Create two ebooks (one for sale and one free).

  • Create a membership club for unconfident creatives.

  • Create masterclasses in different subjects.

  • Create a newsletter I love.

  • Dissect my unhealthy relationship with Instagram.

  • Write essays for my Patreon and now my self-published book (currently being written).

  • Work out where I wanted to go with my creativity and what my purpose is.

  • And lots more.

In this Masterclass you'll learn about the power of journaling for writers and creatives. From facing the blank page to shaking off all the rules you may have read about or given yourself - to making sense of what's going on in your head.

All writers and creatives are welcome.

What to expect:

Insight and examples from writer, creative confidence mentor and notebook hoarder Helen Redfern.

How to start a fresh clean notebook and stop yourself from self-censoring.

Tips to dissect your own journals to find answers and direction for your creativity.

Systems and examples to turn your journal scribbles into big ideas and publishable content.

Time for Q&A

Can’t make it? All ticket holders will be sent a video replay within 24 hours of the event.

Want to know more about how I use my writing journals? Then watch this short video below.