Introducing the December Pick(s) for the A Bookish Baker Book Club

the December pick for the A Bookish Baker Book Club

One of the great benefits of having a casual book club on Instagram is that you can make up the rules as you go along. So instead of having one book for the December book pick - you can have two.

Yes, it’s greedy. But it is Christmas in a few weeks.

The first book was chosen by Niki from the Instagram account Thank you, Niki! It is called The Snow Child by Eowyn Ivey. Niki describes it as “a magical book, a bewitching story of hope set in the frozen wilderness of Alaska.”

It was first published in 2012 but is one I personally hadn’t come across until I saw it on Niki’s feed in January of this year.

Set in November 1920 Jack and Mabel have staked everything on making a fresh start for themselves in a homestead ‘at the world’s edge’ in the raw Alaskan wilderness.

It is based on the Russian fairytale of the same name so expect a bit of fantasy or supernatural as one day the old, childless couple find a little girl on their land.

Now if you’ve already read this book, or maybe you’d prefer something lighter during this busy month, I have a second suggestion. It is a romance, something we haven’t had yet in the book club, and is a recent release. It is called One Day in December by Josie Silver. With a name like that how could we not read it this month?

Not really believing in love at first sight, one day in December 2008 Laurie is on a bus going back to her flat. She looks out through the steamed up window and locks eyes with the love of her life. There is a magical spark between them, through that window. Then the bus drives away and Laurie thinks she’ll never see him again…

I’m not expecting you to read both books (though if you do let me know!) but simply wanted to give you a choice. The Snow Child is priced around the £6 mark but there are lots of second hand copies on Amazon and the kindle version is currently 99p. Of course, there is also the library option, too.

I picked up One Day in December on a complete whim from my local Waterstones. This is currently around the £5 mark.

I am looking forward to reading them and to hearing what you all think. Of course, we are still in November so still reading The Vanishing of Audrey Wilde by Eve Chase - I’ll be doing a review of the groups’ thoughts in ten days time.

WOULD YOU LIKE TO CHOOSE THE JANUARY OR FEBRUARY BOOK CLUB PICK? Let me know via a message on Instagram. I’d love to hear your suggestions.


If you’re a member of the Book Club (and by member I simply mean you follow @abookishbakerbookclub on Instagram) thank you so much for taking part. If you’re not then come on over and click on follow.

The A Bookish Baker Book Club is there to share cosy comforting fireside reads (click on the link for the original introductory post). A place to chat about the monthly pick and a place to recommend other books you’re reading and have enjoyed.

The pick for October was The Keeper of Lost Things by Ruth Hogan and the pick for November was The Vanishing of Audrey Wilde by Eve Chase.