I'm late with week 11 of The Seasons Outside My Back Door (Week 1 here if you want to read the beginning of this project). This is because I've been experimenting with video. It's my very first one as part of Xanthe Berkeley's online course and was filmed with my iphone 6. .
The video, filmed yesterday, sums up the week. A bit gloomy, a bit overcast; the realisation after the flurry of excitement that spring has arrived that the weather is still the same as the week before.
But the animals know spring is here. The ducks are incredibly happy. They're playing, shaking their tail feathers, walking down the field, chasing each other when one finds a worm. And the chickens are laying so may eggs. When we do have some sun they sunbathe, out of the wind, and look very contented.
Anyway, here is my film. It's only fifteen seconds as that's all Instagram allow, but it gives you a taster of what I get up to every day.
Lunch time for the chickens from Helen || a bookish baker on Vimeo.
Music credit: "Overnight (Gonzales)" by Matt LeGroulx (http://mattlegroulx.bandcamp.com/)