Five Reasons Why I Love to Journal

five reasons why I love to journal

Journaling is fast becoming one of my favourite ways to spend my time. More than scrolling Instagram, more than watching creators talk about social media or writing on YouTube. Maybe even more than watching The Big Bang Theory.

I'm currently sitting, legs up and covered in a blanket, on the settee. I've just had to tell my dog off - I won't tell you why because she's (occasionally) disgusting - I hate telling her off so my heart rate has sped up a little.

But now on the settee, blanket on and my notebook open on my lap, it’s just started raining and the light is switched on behind me - and I felt peace wash over me. Because I knew I could escape into my writing for awhile. No pressure of writing my novel no worrying about people reading it - just me and my journal and writing whatever is in my head.

If you don't keep a journal - maybe it feels indulgent, maybe you feel silly, maybe you feel you don't have the time or are worried that people might read it - then I strongly recommend it. So I thought I'd write this blog post/script for my video (below), the first draft of which is in my journal, to share with you the reasons why I keep journal and how it helps me.

  1. A journal is a way of recording your ideas so you don’t forget them.

  2. Journaling makes you a better writer. Writing is like a muscle. The more you use it the better it gets.

  3. Writing down ideas helps grow more ideas. Are you constantly worried about running out of ideas? So was I. But when I started journaling one idea led to another and another and another…

  4. Journaling helps you let go of things that are bothering you. Making sense of world events. my health, my business, even if I’ve no idea what’s causing that anxiety in my tummy I can usually pinpoint it by writing it all down.

  5. It helps you figure out who you are. This has been particularly helpful when I seemed to be making the same mistakes again and again in my writing business.

Subscribe to Journal Notes - mini essays based on what I’ve been journaling that week - all to do with aspects of my writing, being online or my creative business.

five reasons why I keep a journal