My Writing Day: Getting Organised after the Christmas Break

my writing day

On Tuesday this week I started back to work with my writing. Over Christmas I had a proper break (although I did record and upload a few videos) and was looking forward to getting back to it.

Christmas, for me, after the big day itself and a family day on Boxing Day, was pretty much me sitting on the settee watching The Crown. So I always find the first day back hard. I miss my children as they’re back at school, the rhythm and routine of the house has altered slightly and this takes some getting used to and on Monday my two dogs had had an operation so they were at the top of my mind.

In the end I wrote during the morning along with some planning for the month ahead and in the afternoon started editing this video.

Not a bad start to January!

So I hope you like this video. It’s basically a more extended version of what I share on Instagram Stories. I start the day with a thirty minute writing session, then I record my progress in my writing tracker & log bullet journal, I plan out what I’d like to achieve in January and work on my non-fiction project.

a day in the life of a writer: getting organised after the Christmas Break