Planning my writing & creative tasks for February

planning my writing and creative tasks during february

The month of January wasn't as productive as I'd have liked. One project went well but the others I felt my head was a bit all over the place, that I was focusing on the end result and scaring myself with what might happen and I was casually doing what I felt like on the day without any kind of schedule or time limit.

I was reaching the end of the working day feeling a little despondent because I couldn’t see what I’d achieved. Then the following day I would force myself at my desk and end up frittering time because, although I had my post it task board, I was struggling to get motivated.

Plus when things didn’t quite go my way such as being trolled and fearful (that old chestnut - fear of success!) I would just end up scrolling social media instead of cracking on with the next task on my to do list.

So I decided to make February (and the last few days of January) a bit more organised with my writing and YouTube videos. I decided to give myself a deadline for various projects during February so a) I could achieve more and b) I had something to work towards on a daily basis.

I pulled out my planning journal (it’s a lemome) and took my four projects from my post it task board quarter one and decided what I could realistically achieve over the next five weeks. Then I plotted them out on a calendar grid to see how much time I had. Then, I divided the tasks up for week one (this week) and finally gave myself daily tasks - all coming from the master monthly list.

And this video is exactly how I did it:

So far it’s working well and I already feel I’m being more productive. Yesterday I finished all my tasks on my daily list and today I just have two tasks left (this blog post being one of them!)

I feel February (and these last few days of January) could end up being incredibly productive!

Planning my writing & creative tasks in my bullet journal for February