Something strange has happened to me in the past few weeks. I have started re-writing my novel and *gasp* I’ve even made progress!
I have had many - many - stop start moments with this novel. In fact, this novel began in one form or another over a decade ago. I worked on it at a writing camp and got professional advice. I made the opening chapters really dark at one point before deciding this was not the right direction, and also tried to combine it with a non-fiction book I was writing - before deciding against that, too.
Whether this book ever gets published I am determined to finish it. Just so I can say - yes, I have completed a finished draft of my novel. Then I can either send it to literary agents, self-publish or move on to the next thing having learned a lot in the process.
So over the next few months I am recording the process - as a writing vlog that just focuses on my novel. And the following is the video I created for June.