
Writing Desk Tour | Calm, Cosy & Productive

Writing Desk Tour | Calm, Cosy & Productive

One of the great things about being a writer is that you can do your work anywhere. All you need is a notebook, or a laptop and your imagination.

Or so I thought.

Since I reorganised my desk in my new house and become more productive I can’t help but think the two are related. I love my desk. I love it’s cosy feel. I’m surrounded by notebooks, plants, cups of coffee, my mug of coloured pencils and a chicken mug of pens and I’m happy. I want to be sitting here working and writing. I’m inspired.

How I Stopped Losing Followers on Instagram & Boosted my Engagement

How I Stopped Losing Followers on Instagram & Boosted my Engagement

How I stopped losing followers on INstagram and boosted my engagement.

Just over a month ago I’d had enough with losing followers on Instagram. My account was an important part of my writing business and watching my account lose 1000 followers over the course of this year was frustrating me.

So I decided to take back control and work out how I could grow my account again despite the algorithm. I changed lots of things on my account - and it worked. I’ve gained 300 followers in the last month. My engagement per photo has doubled (and sometimes quadrupled!). So I thought I’d create a video on how I did it…

How I organise my notebooks as a writer

how I organise my notebooks as a writer

There’s nothing like a brand new notebook. Full of promise, unspoken dreams, imaginations running riot - I love to begin a fresh page and to just start writing.

I photograph my notebooks a lot for Instagram. But they’re not just props - they’re extremely well-used. I was asked on Instagram what I use each notebook for so I thought I’d do a video sharing what each notebook has inside. And this is the result:

How I organise my notebooks as a writer

How I Reached 1000 Subscribers: My YouTube Story

How I Reached 1000 Subscribers: My YouTube Story

I’ve had many doubts over the past year as to whether I could grow a YouTube channel. I’m a 40+ year old woman, part of Generation X, what do I have to say that people might find interesting? And how on earth do I go about creating and uploading videos?

It’s been a long journey to get to 1000 subscribers and, like with my writing, the long time it takes for me to reach my goals has a lot to do with confidence. But I persevered and a few weeks ago I hit the 1000 subscriber mark. I was absolutely thrilled.

On Instagram I’ve spoken about my YouTube journey quite a bit and I know many people are interested in creating videos - but one of the main things that stop them is confidence. Whether it’s the technical side, or showing their face, or the risk of being trolled or real-life friends and family or acquaintances finding out…believe me I’ve had all these anxieties too.

But I went ahead and learned how to record and edit videos anyway….

WRITING MY NOVEL: Working with Index Cards

WRITING MY NOVEL: Working with Index Cards

I’m now going deeper into this planning and editing of my novel than I ever anticipated. In this week’s video I share how I’ve broken the novel up into chapters and, following on from the last video where I drew up a grid to identify gaps in the plot, I am now starting to make additions on the index cards marked ‘insert’. Click the link to watch the video.

Planning my writing & creative projects for the final quarter of 2019

planning my writing and creative projects for the fourth quarter

Last quarter I started a new way of organising my to-do list for my writing and creative projects. I’d been inspired by the writer Sarra Cannon of the YouTube channel, Heart Breathings, with how much she achieves, how she was so focused and the way she organises herself. On her YouTube channel Sarra described the way she would focus on just a few goals each quarter. Then, in order to achieve these goals she would break them down into projects then divide them up even further into tasks. Her tasks she would write on post-its and place them on her kanban board in her office. Once a task had been completed she would transfer to the other side of the board.

This looked genius. So I investigated further and so began my own system where I organise myself in terms of goals, projects and tasks.

Now this was something I’d been doing naturally with my notebooks but not in such an organised, methodological or structured way. And I certainly hadn’t been looking at my deep goals OR breaking that massive goal into smaller, less overwhelming ones that were achievable in just a few months. I was also trying to do everything all at once. And getting in a muddle, overwhelmed and stressed. In addition if I had a break from my writing I would be put off getting back to it as I would lose where I was in the process and soon it would feel like a huge mountain I had to climb - so I’d put it off some more.

Going back to last quarter I set up my two goals. To gain 1000 subscribers on YouTube and to get my novel ready to send off to agents and my essays written monthly so by the end of the year I’d have enough to self-publish. I talk about how I got on in detail on my latest video below but this method of breaking it all down into tasks meant that I achieved my YouTube goal with just a few days to spare! I didn’t achieve my writing goals but I have made massive progress so I am delighted with that.

This quarter I am setting myself three goals. But my writing ones are not as big as last quarter as I’ve learnt from that! I’m looking forward to the work I’ve set for myself over the next three months - have a look in the video below.

planning my writing and creative projects for the final quarter of 2019.png

WRITING MY NOVEL: Breaking it down & identifying the plot holes

writing my novel - breaking it down & identifying the gaps

Oh my goodness I am really enjoying deconstructing (if that’s the right word?) my novel in order to make more sense of it. After my last video when I finished outlining the draft into four acts I decided to break it down into chapters. This was helpful as I saw how many gaps there were and also saw there was no time structure.

But I wanted to understand the gaps a bit more. The best way of doing this was to create a grid with the main relationships and themes running along the top and the chapters down the side. I ticked off where each one appeared. And discovered that despite a lot of the novel being abut my main character’s relationship with her mother and grandmother - they rarely appeared in the story!

With this information I wondered what to do next. And that’s when a friend mentioned on Instagram that she uses index cards so you can have one for each chapter - then use others to add in all the bits that are missing and move them around. So this is what I did and which is what you can see in my latest video in my novel editing journey.

(If you want to catch up and see my novel editing journey from the beginning this is the YouTube playlist).

writing my novel_ breaking it down & identifying the holes (1).png